Sightless Scribbles

Accessibility work

Schedule an initial meeting.

I am an expert screen reader user who has both advocated and consulted for companies making their services or products accessible.

I do extensive accessibility and usability testing. There’s a wide array of computer needs out there. Just because something is accessible does not mean everybody can use it without confusion. I take both into account when a company asks me to test for them.

Advocacy portfolio.

Expert accessibility witness.

I am often asked to contract with many lawyers and law firms to become an expert witness for accessibility related cases. Below are the firms and individuals I contract with regularly.

I’ve helped win many cases without going to trial.

Use Tasa ID 22766 to find me in TASA’s expert witness database

Contact TASA via email or by phone at 800-523-2319

Below, you will find a sample of some firms I’ve worked with. I consult with prosecutors as well as defense attorneys

Consulting samples.

The below will show some highlights from my portfolio.