Sightless Scribbles


You can subscribe by RSS or by email, and you can join my street team and otherwise below. You can learn about my street team and beta list via the headings below.

Join the beta and street team list here

RSS Feeds.

To subscribe by RSS, copy the link location from the below sources and paste it into your feed reader of choice.

Main RSS feed.

Newsletter RSS feed.

PeerTube RSS feed.

Beta readers and street team

Here, you can join my beta readers team or my street team.

Join the beta list here

What do beta readers get?

  1. Acknowledgments in future books.
  2. Opportunity to name characters.
  3. Read deleted scenes of published work.
  4. Beta read my work in progress.
  5. Advanced reader copies and advanced listener copies of books.
  6. Shoutouts in panels and interviews.
  7. Shoutouts on social media.
  8. Early access to writing news.
  9. Exclusive promotional items where applicable.

Join my street team Read more about the exclusive content and duties on this page.

Joining my street team will give you the opportunity to get exclusive content while promoting me, or my work, in return.

A street team is vital to an author’s success because it’s rare that a publisher will help writers promote their books. A street team isn’t limited by location, either, so this means you can join from anywhere in the world.

Street teams appeal to me because I get to offer many exclusive things to a supportive group of fans willing to team up and promote me or my work in their respective locations.

I love community driven PR campaigns. Aside from the exclusive content, my street team is also a good way to meet people and network with other team members near you.

My street team form is here or read more about the exclusive content and duties on this page.


Through my street team, my work will reach a broader audience because you’ll actively promote my books and my short stories.

Ultimately, I encourage you to be creative with how you want to promote me or my work, but here’s some basic expectations.

  1. Request local bookstores buy my books.
  2. Request all your local libraries buy my books.
  3. Share my links on your social media accounts repeatedly.
  4. Ask places to host me for a virtual or in person event.
  5. Buy my books for low income people and gift it to them.
  6. Suggest book reviewers and book influencers review my books.
  7. Encourage favorite podcasts or radio stations to interview me or host me as a guest.

Exclusive content.

I value my street team because they are using their creativity to promote me and my work. I will give back in multiple ways, including, but not limited to,

  1. Acknowledgments in future books.
  2. Opportunity to name characters.
  3. Read deleted scenes of published work.
  4. Beta read my work in progress.
  5. Advanced reader copies and advanced listener copies of books.
  6. Shoutouts in panels and interviews.
  7. Shoutouts on social media.
  8. Early access to writing news.
  9. Exclusive promotional items where applicable.